The Trolley Problem and the CrossJesus didn’t die because God pulled a lever. He died because He saw the train coming and chose to stand in the way.Feb 11Feb 11
Writing That RevealsThe most important things we should never stop doing in life are reading, writing, and counting our blessings.Feb 91Feb 91
Eyes Wide Open, Yet BlindWe can never escape the cave as long as we remain ourselves — and the deception only deepens when we become full of ourselves.Feb 7Feb 7
Who Studies Whom? The Observer as the ObservedYou may find one “remote” culture exotic. But your own culture is just as exotic to those whom you consider “remote.”Feb 3Feb 3
The Power of the Right InterventionAll we need to do is encourage them to dream big and believe in a brighter future.Feb 2Feb 2
The Modern Witch HuntIn today’s world, we are not throwing stones like in biblical times. But we are throwing accusations, insults, and hate.Jan 29Jan 29
The Secret of Playful SpontaneityLet’s be playful in every aspect of life. Any problems, even adversity — can you tell yourself, “Let’s enjoy it playfully”?Jan 28Jan 28